So this past weekend I set aside all my newly acquired responsibilities of the intensive MBA courseload in order to concentrate on a different course. This weekend was the epic disaster/party/golf tournament that is the Litchfield 3-man scramble held at beautiful Litchfield Country Club. For anyone who reads this blog and has never been to Litchfield Country Club (I hope there is at least one or two people) I would be willing to venture a guess that LCC, as its known to the locals, might be in the running for country club courses..."most in need of some course improvements". I love it there and have played it probably a few hundred times it seems like so I feel ok making harsh criticisms, however, I did try to word that as nicely as possible.
Back to the golf outing. Most of my friends and I had been looking forward to this event for quite some time. The basic idea is this, your team of three shows up Saturday feeling like Tiger or Phil and ready to set course records. A few adult beverages later, and everyone is more focused on completing the round to get back to the clubhous so we can all talk trash to each other and enjoy more adult beverages.
I had high hopes once again for my golf game and once again was happy to enjoy my Saturday with friends while trying to ignore my superbly mediocre golf game. I'd like to go ahead and touch on some of the highlights of the tournament. First, I knew it was going to be a good day when momma cooked the breakfast with no hog. Oh sorry, got sidetracked. My buddy Greg had the genius idea of purchasing a few exploding golf balls prior to his arrival. Exploding golf balls are just one of those things that are funny no matter what...kind of like everything Kenny Powers says. My best friend Kenny (not Powers) fell victim to the exploding golf ball (he hit it just for grins) as well as a rigged prank on Greg himself. Either way it was mostly for the old guys watching from the clubhouse who loved every second of it. In what I can almost guarantee was a first in golf history, my team played the entire first hole with IPOD speakers playing "Gangster's Paradise" by Coolio...on repeat! This is when I knew I was officially going to have a great time on Saturday. So if I may fast forward through the next 5 hours, the day came to the enjoyable transition from trying to act like you can play golf to doing something my friends and I do well, finding stupid ways to entertain ourselves. I will just leave you with this visual from Saturday evening. The day/night at the golf course came to an end after Greg and I took my golf cart out in the middle of the parking lot and "tested the turning radius" while our buddies tried to throw stuff at us. Yes, I got hit in the face with a beer can and no I didn't injure myself or my passenger.
All in all, my Saturday at the Litchfield 3-man scramble lived up to my expectations. As for Sunday... (yes this is actually a two day event) well, who really has time for playing serious and actually caring about the score?? Sunday might be one of the least enjoyable days of golf following perhaps the most enjoyable. My round on Sunday was actually cut short ironically by a meeting my MBA study group and I had scheduled for 8 pm last night. With all that being said, I should be expecting my winners' check sometime later this week and I'll report my prize amount in my next entry.
Today I picked up my season tickets for U of I football (seamless transition). The feeling I'm currently experiencing is quite similar to what I described when arriving at the golf tournament Saturday morning. I have all the confidence in the world that we will beat Missouri this upcoming weekend and carry that momentum to a bowl berth. A few adult beverages and 4 or 5 Missouri touchdowns later, my expectations will once again be destroyed on Saturday. I haven't had as much time to keep up on our team's preseason progress as I have in previous seasons, but I did hear our secondary (which honestly made me want to cry at times last year) has incurred numerous injuries causing more than one receiver to switch over to defense to start the year. Maybe Zook can find some hidden gems at Kam's or Clybourne to fill some of the holes. If I were him, I'd be ready to resort to just about anything with the seat as hot as it currently is this season. So, that wraps up my preseason commentary on Illinois football. My bold preseason prediction is that Illinois will finish in the top 3 by the end of the year....right behind Northwestern for state BCS rankings! PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG ILLINI!!!!
Thats it for tonight. Statistics problem sets and Marketing case analysis write ups are calling my name.
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